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Jialing Xl Bike   

Nepal, Pradesh3, Lalitpur
Published 1 year ago
ID #1516
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Condition: Used
Transaction: Sell
Jialing Xl Bike
Nepal, Pradesh3, Lalitpur,
Published 1 year ago


Jialing Xl for sale (With genuine Honda XL parts
Bike is in good working condition
All taxes cleared till now
Serious buyers Contact in 9808250903

Additional information

Fuel Type: Petrol
Lot Number: 6
Engine in CC: 125
Model: DirtBike
Transmission: Manual
Make Year: 1996
Wheels: Normal
Engine Start: Kick start
Tyres: Bladders
Display: Analog
Anti-Lock Braking (ABS): No
Low Feul Indicator: No
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    Private person
    Registered on August 31, 2023

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    Nepal, Pradesh3, Lalitpur

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