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Vespa VXL 125, Excellent condition, No scratches or dents anywhere
Vespa VXL 125 cc 2018 Model No scratches or dents anywhere Single hand Servicing only done at official Vespa service centers Looks brand new
Kathmandu in Pradesh3 (Nepal)
Bajaj avenger 200 bike on sale at kathmandu nepal
Single hand Bike is full fresh engine is excellent. Tyre new tax all clear 74/75 intrested can direct call: 9802779750 ( No msg plzz)
Kathmandu in Pradesh3 (Nepal)
Black pulsar 150 on sale at kathmandu nepal
Call 9813722193 Byk ko condation akdum ramro condation ma 6 fresh body fresh engine 0 mantinence photo rear fix price directly call me
Kathmandu in Pradesh3 (Nepal)
Maruti suzuki alto with ace car on sale at kathmandu
Like new condition 2000model alto 81000km running direct call me 9860157073
Kathmandu in Pradesh3 (Nepal)
Delivery van on rent at kathmandu
Very good condition and single hand, Model 2000 को अनचलीकरन गरिएको भ्यान for sale or भ्यान भाडामा छ । ईछुक कम्पनी, ईस्कुल, वा पसलहरुले सिंधा यो नम्बरमा ९८५१२२२५६७ सम्पर्क राख्नुहोला । Please no time wasters धन्यवाद । Price: For sale: 5 lakhs For rent: 1000 per day (excluding diver and oil)
Kathmandu in Pradesh3 (Nepal)
pulsar as bike on sale at pokhara nepal
1 hand good condition Ga 11 pa Contact no 9819169954
Kaski in Pradesh4 (Nepal)
Bajaj pulsar 150 on sale at pokhara nepal
No scratch frsh cndsn contact 9805216939
Kaski in Pradesh4 (Nepal)
Hero honda shine bike on sale at kathmandu
bike single handed ho smooth handle xa only used home to office timely servsin bike looks and picup like new xa who need this bike plz call 9851201573
Kathmandu in Pradesh3 (Nepal)
Yamaha ray z 113cc scooty on sale at kathmandu
#excellent enginee #excellent carburetor(which was changed before 2 month in showroom) #original picture I have post here.(2015model) #New price 181500 Tax will be clear till 075. contact me 9843258093
Kathmandu in Pradesh3 (Nepal)
Bajaj pulsar 220 black on sale at bharatpur chitwan
Na 34 ko 40000 gudeko red black condition mai xa dhuka vaye hunxa serious buyer directly call me 9865028624
Chitwan in Pradesh3 (Nepal)
UM DSR ii 230 sale or exchange at kathmandu
bike fresh need to repair.single hand ho. both tyres are fresh.only 25000 km or viber me at 9808394068 EXCHANGE WITH PULSAR 220 DUKE 200 R15
Kathmandu in Pradesh3 (Nepal)
33 lot discover bike on sale at sinamangal kathmandu
Bike ko condition super fine xa Tyre both side new xa Body ma scretch pani xina New chain spoket claseplate xa tax 075 samma clear garera dinxu Servesing pani gareko xu intrested can call 9851007965
Kathmandu in Pradesh3 (Nepal)